Thursday, April 21, 2005

ooh yeah

Freebie of the day - Calling card from Folger's
Another one - Thermasilk shampoo and conditioner

First Undersea Restaurant

All-glass undersea restaurant opened by Hilton located 15 feet below the Indian Ocean. Things like these make you wish you were rich to see it firsthand.

Look up processes that are running on Task Manager.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I know where I want to be taken for my next birthday dinner, haha. I wonder what that place runs per diner...probably about what I make in a month. I'll bet the waiting list is spectacular, too.


8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the cost of the trip over there =)

10:50 AM  
Blogger MP said...

guys with all the money you save by getting freebies here you should be able to afford the trip over there, the dinner, and a phat souvenir for me.

11:45 AM  

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