Saturday, February 05, 2005

Sell your bodies!!!

Freebie of the day - Free bag of dog and cat food (available in most states)

$37k richer for looking like an idiot!
This guy auctioned off advertising space on his forehead for one month and got the $37,000+.
Guess he has a head for business.
"Andrew Fischer, 20, of Omaha, who put his forehead for sale on eBay as advertising space, received $37,375 on Friday to advertise the snoring remedy, SnoreStop. " In case you missed the story here's the

Cleavage for sale!
After seeing that aforementioned dork's success, Houston model/actress Shaune Bagwell is auctioning ad space on her cleaveage. Upto $10k last time I checked. Check out this link.
The cleavage better beat that dorky forehead.


I've decided to try the blog thing. This is my first official blog.
I will post stuff here I find interesting. It might not be interesting to you.

Freebie of the day - Ageless Foundation Laboratories Sample

Bad Kitty
If you own MGM widescreen dvds, they might not really be widescreen; they deceptively marketed them as widescreen.
If you own one of the 325 dvd movies on this list -, you could get a true widescreen or get $7.10 per dvd
Check out for more details.

Password protect your sh*t
Free webcam feeds
To see publice/private video camera feeds search in Google for:
inurl:"view/index.shtml" link for the lazy
inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode=" link for the lazy
The first search is for Axis cameras, and the other is for Panasonic;
You might have to install an activex control.

nice camera control on this one